Spare time...

David Round
Spare time...

Spare time...

I’m sure you would agree that you would feel much better if you mediated for 61 hours.

In fact, once you’d been meditating for about 5 hours, I’m sure you would feel some positive benefit, with each subsequent hour simply deepening the feeling of calm and balance.

I think you would also agree that your skill in something that really interests you would be much greater after working on it 9-5, Mon-Fri for a month.

But it’s all a bit irrelevant isn’t it - no-one has that amount of spare time, even if the benefits are worth having….

Interesting fact : 61 hours is 3,660 minutes, or written another way, 10 minutes a day for a year, and 30 minutes a for the same time is approx. 180 hours, more than an average working month…

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